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  • OSHC Insurance

What does your OSHC cover in the time of COVID-19?

April 03, 2020

As we continue to monitor the evolving COVID-19 situation, we want to provide you with an update on what your OSHC covers at this time.

Whether you are feeling unwell or not, it is important to know and understand what your OSHC policy covers. And to know that COVID-19 does not change any of the benefits associated with OSHC cover.

All OSHC policyholders are covered for hospital and medical services including GP visits, pathology tests, PBS prescription medicines and emergency treatment. Some also cover mental health services and everyone has access to counselling through a GP care plan. 

There are variations depending on the policy you chose, so we have listed them below for your convenience. If anything is unclear, get in touch with your insurance provider or reach out to us at [email protected] or on +61 7 3333 1521.

If you start to feel unwell and you’re currently abroad and covered by OSHC, stay at home and call your doctor or a health phone service such as 13 HEALTH (13 43 25 84) for advice first. General practitioner (GP) visits are covered by all OSHC providers. Read on for more specific cover relating to each of the providers and policies they offer. 

Allianz Global Assistance (AGA)

Cover is available to AGA OSHC policyholders for hospital treatment, GP visits, Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) prescription medicines and emergency treatment. However, T&Cs do apply, for more details, click here.


Nib benefits are payable in line with product design and subject to standard waiting periods and pre-existing assessment guidelines. You can find more information on nib policies here. Nib covers 100% of the MBS for GP visits, 85% of the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) rate for outpatient services such as pathology, up to $50 on PBS prescription medications (with a cap) and hospital cover will vary based on your policy. You can read the OSHC product fact sheet to know what you are specifically covered for. To find out more about COVID-19 and your policy click here. 

Medibank and ahm 

Both Medibank and ahm health insurance ensure that if a student is unwell and needs to see the doctor, their policy will cover up to 100% of the MBS fee towards GP consultations. You can find their COVID-19 FAQs here.

Medibank has also launched a new initiative, Live Better at Home, to help prioritise the health and wellbeing of everyone in Australia as we start to spend more time at home. 

Live Better at Home is a free online program, with work out videos, cooking demonstrations, and guided meditations that you can do in your own home to stay active and healthy. They’re also running live meditations every weekday at 8:30 am until April 17. You can find out more here.


Bupa OSHC covers students for hospital and medical services, including GP and specialist consultations, pathology tests, prescription medicines and psychology and counselling benefits through a GP Care Plan. You can find out more about your cover here and for more information on their response to COVID-19 click here. They also have a 24-hour advice line for students, which you can call on 1300 884 235.


CBHS OSHC will cover students for medical and hospital services, including virtual doctors, face-to-face doctors, prescription medicines (conditions apply), specialist doctors, hospital treatment, pathology, radiology and mental health programs. Your pathology tests will be covered for up to 100% of MBS fees, except for services where an exclusion applies. There is more information on their COVID-19 policies here.

Throughout this time it is crucial to the guidelines outlined by the government. For important news, updates and advice from government agencies across Australia, click here. And to read more about the health alert, click here.

If you still have concerns or specific queries regarding a policy, please contact your health insurer.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, don’t forget to reach out to those who can help. Along with the mental health services covered by your OSHC cover, resources available to you include Beyond Blue, mental health professionals who are available 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or at beyondblue.org.au/get-support/ for online chat and email (responses within 24 hours). For immediate support call Lifeline on 13 11 14 and in an emergency, always call triple zero (000).

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